Welcome to WEE
Woodbrook Early Education Center
STEM ⎮ Music ⎮ Art ⎮Movement
The WEE Center is a reflection of our world. Our students come from around the world, from different backgrounds, from different family dynamics. And we support all the families that come through our doors. We welcome all who enter our doors because we know that diversity is our strongest asset.


The Woodbrook Early Education Center is a non-profit program under the direction of the Formation Ministry of
Woodbrook Baptist Church. The center enjoys a close relationship with the church. Members of WBC volunteer, are WEE alumni, or are enrolled as students of the WEE Center.

The WEE Center believes that a strong partnership between teacher and families is vital for a child’s successful growth and development. We encourage strong communication between teachers and families concerning their child’s individual development and needs.
The purpose of the WEE Center is to extend the ministry and mission of the Church by providing care, education and development opportunities for each child enrolled and teacher employed at the WEE Center to reach his/her greatest potential and by providing a program of ministry and outreach to the families of the children enrolled.
The WEE Center adopts a whole child approach to learning. We use developmentally appropriate practices to help our children grow and develop in all areas; social, emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual. We also offer STEM, Science, Music, Art, and Movement Programs.
Over the years I have observed how you welcome and nurture children and their families and have always felt honored to work with the WEE School. This year in particular, I have been touched by the compassion, thoughtfulness, and dedication that you have shown the children and families with whom you work. Thank you for all that you do to serve, educate, and empower the children and families of our community!”
Kendall Patterson
LGPC, Kennedy Krieger Institute
A "typical" day at WEE

children enter classroom meeting and greeting friends and teachers.
Center time
learning through areas of the classroom such as blocks, art, books, home living, sand/water table, puzzles, dress-ups, table toys and other manipulative toys. An art project is often part of this time as well.
Clean up
children learn to work together to clean up the room from play.
Circle Time
using themes, teachers plan age appropriate, developmentally appropriate lessons using games, stories, conversations, books and hands on activities to help children development emerging skills.
provided by the WEE Center
Outdoor play
children enjoy time on the playground with tricycles, a sandbox, climbers and balls.
children bring a lunch from home. Lunch is eaten together with classmates and teachers. Milk or water is available.
Rest Time
Children bring a fitted crib sheet, blanket and love-y from home
Special Areas of Interest Throughout the Week
Science, Art, Music, &
Little Lacrosse Academy (spring and fall)